Crest Forge

email if you need anything relating to this site. Otherlise, don’t bother him cause he’s really really busy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Our original Crest Forge products are all digital, so there are no shipping costs when purchasing directly from us. All physical products you can buy are sold through and shipping will vary depending on what product you purchase through them.

All Major Credit Cards are accepted and processed through Stripe.

The whole site is encrypted so any information you enter while purchasing cannot be intercepted -unless someone is looking over your shoulder or you are being physically recorded on your end somehow. We don't even record your bank card information as it's passed on to for processing. Paypal isn't offered as a payment method at this time.

If you are buying an original product on our site, you are taken to your account page where you can download it.
If you are buying a physical product, we send your cart over to amazon to purchase it from there using your amazon account.

All of you purchase history and orders can be viewed on your accounts page.

Send us an email

This is form is just for demo purpose. No inquiries will be answered.